My First Haircut Experience at Theodora Hair Studio in Koreatown, LA
Beauty & Personal Care Chihyi Lee Beauty & Personal Care Chihyi Lee

My First Haircut Experience at Theodora Hair Studio in Koreatown, LA

從芝加哥搬到加州後,我才意識到芝加哥剪髮的價格有多便宜。這次,我決定到洛杉磯韓國城的一間名叫Theodora Hair Studio的髮廊剪髮。小紅書很多人推薦那裏的女髮型師Hazel。在這趟途中,還順道去了附近的Memory Look咖啡館試了它們暢銷的奶蓋咖啡。

Moving from Chicago to California made me realize how much cheaper haircuts were back in Chicago. This time, I decided to try my first Korean haircutting experience with stylist Hazel at Theodora Hair Studio, located near the popular Korean café called Memory Look.

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