Exploring Los Angeles Burgers: For the Win, The Apple Pan, and Father’s Office
Food & Drinks Chihyi Lee Food & Drinks Chihyi Lee

Exploring Los Angeles Burgers: For the Win, The Apple Pan, and Father’s Office

這篇文章探索了洛杉磯除了In-N-Out以外的漢堡店,包括For the Win、The Apple Pan和Father’s Office。每家店都有其獨特的風味和特色,吸引了來自世界各地的眾多食客前來品嚐。當然,洛杉磯還有許多其他值得探索的漢堡店,希望未來能夠繼續嘗試更多不同種類的漢堡。.

This article explores Los Angeles burger spots, such as For the Win, The Apple Pan, and Father’s Office. Each venue offers unique flavors and specialties that draw in numerous food enthusiasts. Los Angeles still has many other burger spots waiting to be discovered. I'm looking forward to exploring more places in the future!

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My First Haircut Experience at Theodora Hair Studio in Koreatown, LA
Beauty & Personal Care Chihyi Lee Beauty & Personal Care Chihyi Lee

My First Haircut Experience at Theodora Hair Studio in Koreatown, LA

從芝加哥搬到加州後,我才意識到芝加哥剪髮的價格有多便宜。這次,我決定到洛杉磯韓國城的一間名叫Theodora Hair Studio的髮廊剪髮。小紅書很多人推薦那裏的女髮型師Hazel。在這趟途中,還順道去了附近的Memory Look咖啡館試了它們暢銷的奶蓋咖啡。

Moving from Chicago to California made me realize how much cheaper haircuts were back in Chicago. This time, I decided to try my first Korean haircutting experience with stylist Hazel at Theodora Hair Studio, located near the popular Korean café called Memory Look.

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LA Delights: Lil' Vegerie, Bouldering, Thunderbolt Bar, and Amber Liu's Live Concert
Travel & Exploration, Food & Drinks Chihyi Lee Travel & Exploration, Food & Drinks Chihyi Lee

LA Delights: Lil' Vegerie, Bouldering, Thunderbolt Bar, and Amber Liu's Live Concert

這篇文章記錄了我在洛杉磯的一天行程:品嚐了雷東多海灘市的素食餐廳,挑戰了長灘市的抱石運動,同時探索了洛杉磯市內名列北美前50的酒吧。最後,在芬達劇院欣賞了Amber Liu的No More Sad Songs巡迴演唱會。

Documented a day's itinerary: Tried a vegetarian restaurant in Redondo BBeach, attempted bouldering in Long Beach, explored bars in Los Angeles, and enjoyed Amber Liu's concert at the Fonda Theatre.

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